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Driving positive change to make a difference


About the WMCA

The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) is made up of 18 local authorities, the Local Enterprise Partnerships, the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, and the West Midlands Fire and Rescue Authority.

It was created in 2016, when the government gave us powers and money to improve people’s lives in the West Midlands.

It is managed by the WMCA Board. The board is made up of seven local authority members.

We work regionally and also help local authorities to work locally. We deliver some services ourselves. This includes regional public transport and adult skills. We also bring together different organisations and people and guide their work. This includes helping regional businesses to grow, making sure new houses are built, and regenerating areas that need it. We listen to the views of different communities and organisations and make sure that they influence what happens in the region.

Our vision is a ‘more prosperous and better connected West Midlands which is fairer, greener and healthier’.

Our Corporate Aims and Objectives (2022–24) include six aims to help make this vision a reality:

  • Promoting inclusive economic growth in every corner of the region

  • Ensuring everyone can benefit

  • Connecting our communities by delivering transport and unlocking housing and

    regeneration schemes

  • Reducing carbon emissions to net zero and enhancing the environment

  • Securing new resources and powers from central government

  • Developing our organisation and our role as a good regional partner