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Equality Scheme 2022 to 2024 - Our plan about how to make services fairer for everyone


About us and the Equality Scheme

We are the West Midlands Combined Authority. In this plan we will call ourselves the WMCA.

We are 7 councils and other organisations that work together.

We look at important things like:

  • Transport: We work together with other transport organisations to make sure we have a good transport system that everyone can use.
  • Money: We make sure that the West Midlands is a good place for businesses to grow.
  • Work: We make sure there are lots of new jobs. We help people get the skills and support they need to get into work.
  • Housing and land: We support local councils to give land for new businesses to grow. And build more houses that people can afford to live in.
  • Public services: We make sure that services work well for local people and businesses.
  • The Equality Scheme looks at what we will do over the next 3 years to make sure everyone in our area gets the same chance to have a good life.

We call it our Big Plan.