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West Midlands Local Skills Report 2022

Chapter 5: Skills action plan

We are also seeking to build on the strengths outlined in chapter three and our skills plan outlines the actions we will take to do so. This section focuses on the planned actions to deliver on the skills needs set out in chapter three and the priority areas outlined in chapter four.

Skills Action Plan


  • Develop a regional youth entitlement
  • Further engagement with business, particularly SMEs, to increase apprenticeship take up.
  • Develop the NEET intervention partnership working and data approach to enable early identification and better tracking of every young person

Organisation bodies

  • WMCA
  • LAs
  • DfE
  • Youth Employment UK
  • Colleges

WMCA/SAP responsibilities 

  • Lead strategic conversations with partners to garner support


  • 2022/23


  • Increase the amount of higher level technical provision, through investment in Level 3+ through AEB and NSF 
  • Expand our level 4/5 technical offer through HTQs and FE/HE collaboration
  • Work with universities to develop practice that increases graduate retention


  • WMCA
  • FE colleges
  • Universities
  • LAs

WMCA/SAP responsibilities

  • Oversight of AEB strategy and investment


  • 2022/23


  • Ensure a good basic skills offer, with clear progression routes, is in place to include ESOL, Digital Entitlement, English and Maths, but also a clear vocational offer linked to sector skills needs at level 2
  • Increase progression from community Learning to wider skills provision
  • Develop proposals for UKSPF to engage those with no qualifications


  • WMCA
  • LAs
  • Colleges

WMCA/SAP responsibilities

  • Commission provision in all areas with clear targeting


  • 2021/23


  • Ensure AEB provision is supporting residents into sustainable employment, through SWAPS, Sector Gateways, bootcamps and other employer linked programmes and associated employment targets


  • WMCA
  • LAs
  • Colleges
  • DWP

WMCA/SAP responsibilities



  • 2021/23


  • Develop more flexible and innovative approach to provision for those in employment
  • Work with the DWP to develop proposals for in work support for those on UC - including skills and mentoring


  • WMCA
  • DWP
  • Colleges

WMCA/SAP responsibilities



  • 2021/23


  • Work with private and public sector partners  to maximise the value from new and existing investments eg. through securing job commitments from businesses for local residents


  • Industry bodies 
  • Businesses
  • LEPs and LAs

WMCA/SAP responsibilities

  • Deliver programme with oversight from the Economic Growth Board


  • 2021/23