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West Midlands Levelling Up Growth Prospectus

Section C: Public Services & Pride In Place

Public Services & Pride In Place

We want our residents to feel proud of where they live and for them to be happy, healthy, well connected, and safe. We need to ensure that levelling up the West Midlands works towards this by going beyond those policy areas where we have seen devolution before, in our capacity as a trailblazer region. To drive change and create a more inclusive West Midlands we need new powers and funding to ensure that opportunities are available to all our residents. Our third set of Trailblazer Devolution Deal proposals are focused on the themes of: 

  1. Digital Inclusion 
  2. Homelessness Prevention 
  3. West Midlands Social Capital Resilience Fund 
  4. Health 
  5. Culture 
  6. Crime, Community Safety and Resilience 
  7. Climate Adaptation and the Natural Environment 

We want to reduce inequalities by helping residents get online through the provision of devices, data and digital skills so that they can access the opportunities that being digitally literate can unlock. 

Building social capital and increasing opportunities for residents to engage in cultural activities locally will strengthen our local communities and build pride in place. 

Our residents should feel safe and secure in their homes which is why we have proposals for new powers to help us prevent homelessness and enhance community safety as well as taking care of our natural environment.