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West Midlands Levelling Up Growth Prospectus

Section A: Going Further & Faster

Going Further & Faster

Going Further & Faster 

Our first step towards levelling up the West Midlands is to go further and faster on those drivers of growth that have already been devolved to us. 

Our first set of Trailblazer Devolution Deal proposals are focused on the themes of: 

  1. Housing & Regeneration 
  2. Transport 
  3. Skills 
  4. Retrofit 

These are areas where we’ve already made good progress in making a positive impact on the residents and businesses of the West Midlands. 

To go further, we need greater control over post-16 technical and vocational training, and opportunities to co-commission employment support to better address local needs. 

We need more flexible funding to build affordable, zero carbon homes and unlock stalled investment through new Levelling Up Investment Zones. 

And we need new ways to encourage people onto public transport through mobility credit schemes, new e-mobility powers, and a dynamic role in the new Great British Railways. 

Too many of our communities face unequal access to these fundamental aspects of life owing to a range of circumstances such as racial heritage, economic activity or disabilities. Improving inclusion and equality of access runs as a thread throughout these proposals. 

Together, these themes represent the enablers of our local economy and communities. The changes proposed within them are critical to ensuring that all residents and businesses across the West Midlands can prosper and connect.