Supporting changes outside your organisation
Some organisations have concluded that they also need to contribute to change outside their organisation. One set of initiatives is to work with schools, colleges and universities to encourage the next generation to strive to become leaders. A conscious decision is needed to ensure this encouragement includes work with students in poorer areas and from underrepresented groups.
Peer-to-peer groups across organisations discussing actions to improve inclusivity and diversity and sharing learning can influence change outside your organisation as well as bringing learning from outside in.
Monitoring and Evaluating
A finding of our research was that monitoring and evaluating diversity initiatives was thin on the ground although public services have a legal requirement to make diversity information available.
While the complexity of diversity interventions makes evaluating their effectiveness a not straightforward task, a lack of checking whether they are making a difference is an indicator
that promoting diversity is not embedded in an organisations ethos. As a minimum, monitoring should focus on numbers and changes in numbers between years but feedback from local community organisations, staff and those striving for leadership positions should also be part of the process.