The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) was created through a devolution deal in 2016, where central government in Westminster gave us powers and money to improve the lives of people in the West Midlands by ‘propelling the economy to further growth’ in the context of international, national and regional challenges – including a skill deficit, legacy of worklessness, public service challenges and connectivity. We are a partnership between 18 local authorities and other bodies including Local Enterprise Partnerships, the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner and West Midlands Fire and Rescue Authority. We have seven constituent local authority members who make up the WMCA Board.
We take on a range of roles to deliver on our shared regional ambitions, ensuring that our activity builds on work at a local level, led by local authorities. In some areas we are responsible for delivery of services (e.g., regional public transport and the provision of adult skills), while in other areas we convene and guide the work of partners (e.g., developing economic strategy to support regional businesses and unlocking sites for housing and regeneration schemes). We also play an advocacy role, amplifying the voice partners in the region to solve shared challenges.
Our vision is that of a “more prosperous and better connected West Midlands which is fairer, greener and healthier”.
Our Corporate Aims and Objectives (2022-24) outline six aims to help realise this vision:
- Promoting inclusive economic growth in every corner of the region
- Ensuring everyone has the opportunity to benefit
- Connecting our communities by delivering transport and unlocking housing and regeneration schemes
- Reducing carbon emissions to net zero and enhancing the environment
- Securing new resources and powers from local government, and
- Developing our organisation and our role as a good regional partner
This Equality and Inclusion Review identifies
key WMCA activities, provisions, achievements, strategies and developments for greater equality, diversity, access and inclusion for 20210/22 (up till March 2022). It also outlines the positive outcomes these achievements have had on peoples’ lives in the region. The last section of the review offers detailed workforce and recruitment statistics, including gender and race pay gap information (March 2022 stats).
Our vision is for the West Midlands to be a global, internationally recognised, modern manufacturing economy and a place where everyone’s life chances, health and well-being are improved. Integral to our vision is the commitment to equality of opportunity and inclusion for all. Equality and diversity are about creating a fairer society, where everyone can participate and
have the opportunity to fulfil their potential. It
is about treating people fairly and justly, whilst also recognising individual needs. We think it is fundamental that people are given equal opportunities so that they are able to achieve equal outcomes. Equalities and inclusion are key integrated elements of our activities. They are also integral in meeting our key priorities and objectives which are critical for our success.
We have a significant impact across the West Midlands as a service procurer and deliverer as well as setting standards as an employer. Over the years we have implemented different actions and policies, engaged in a range of activities and initiated projects and schemes to bring about improvements in the quality of life for people
in the West Midlands. This annual equality review document summarises how we have and how we are intending to carry on fulfilling this commitment. It is an integrated summary of the actions and impacts that we have made on equalities and inclusion issues over the past year