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2023 Investment Prospectus

MIRA Technology Park South Site Nuneaton

The MIRA South Site is a unique investment opportunity comprising an additional 215,000m² linking directly into the existing MIRA Technology Park and provides for large scale advanced manufacturing and automotive-related development in Nuneaton, Warwickshire.


A £200m + funding opportunity for occupier-led investment in the industrial sector with potential also for a multi-phased development approach.

The South Site provides a rare opportunity for strategic advanced manufacturing facilities with associated links to the extensive R+D facilities at MIRA.

Promoter: HORIBA MIRA and Evans Randall Investors

Scale: £300m GDV

Sector: Industrial with focus on advanced manufacturing in the automotive, autonomous, and low carbon sectors

Location: Nuneaton, Warwickshire

Investment Type: Forward funding for identified occupier(s)

Programme: 2023 - 2025

Planning Status: The site is allocated in the North Warwickshire local plan for employment use (Class E/B2/ancillary B8) with a planning application programmed to secure an outline consent in Summer 2023



MIRA Technology Park is one of the UK’s leading Enterprise Zones and a location for over 40 major international high-tech engineering and clean tech companies. With global corporates such as Bosch, Toyota and Jaguar Land Rover alongside Electric Vehicle innovators such as Polestar, REE and Warwick Acoustics as occupiers, it comprises Europe’s largest and fastest growing innovation centres for high tech engineering, autonomy, electric and hydrogen propulsion systems.


The Technology Park contains 40 major test facilities developing technology in electric and hydrogen propulsion, autonomy and cybersecurity with over 106 kilometres of test tracks and test beds making it a unique world-class facility and a global attraction for companies to the UK. The synergy between the industry cluster and facilities at the existing MIRA Technology Park provides an opportunity for companies at the forefront of new low carbon and autonomous technologies to capitalise on this centre of technological development.

Whilst the Technology Park benefits from an existing planning consent for 139,716m², on completion it will comprise 377,580m². The South Site comprises an additional 58 hectares of land linking directly into the existing MIRA Technology Park site. It provides a highly complementary opportunity for approximately 215,000m² of large-scale advanced manufacturing related to the low carbon research and development at MIRA Technology Park.

The site benefits from the recent delivery of major power and road infrastructure investment to facilitate the development of MIRA Technology Park. Whilst progressing through planning an early application would enable delivery of the development in early 2025.


The Technology Park development is being promoted and delivered by a joint venture between Evans Randall Investors and HORIBA MIRA who is owner of MIRA Technology Park and operates the facilities from the Park. The partnership works closely with key stakeholders in the Enterprise Zone and the South Site which includes Leicestershire LEP, Warwickshire, West Midlands Combined Authority, Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council and North Warwickshire Council.


Being situated on a major arterial route with excellent transport links in the centre of the Midlands, MIRA Technology Park has exceptional access to those manufacturing and supply companies at the heart of the UK’s low carbon R+D and high-skilled engineering sectors. The location, together with the UK’s most comprehensive automotive proving ground and test facilities, makes MIRA Technology Park the preferred site for many world­class companies focussed on electrification, autonomy and cyber security.