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West Midlands Greener Together Quarterly Forum Terms of Reference

Format and Running Arrangements

  • Meetings will be held four times per year. Initial meeting will take place on Thursday 31st March. Meetings will then occur in June, August and November, with dates to be set in November for the following year.

  • Meetings will initially be 2 hours in duration, taking place in the early evening (6pm- 8pm) to allow for a wider number of participants.

  • Meetings will either be online or in-person. In-person meetings will be in different locations across the region, and all venues will be accessible. There will be an option to join the meetings remotely if preferred. For in-person meetings, there will be an opportunity to network informally over tea and coffee before the meeting, gathering at 5:30pm.

  • Online meetings will take place on Microsoft Teams and will be hosted by the WMCA.

  • Questions shall be asked through Pigeonhole to prevent answers being lost in the teams chat function. All questions will be saved and answers to these questions shall be circulated after the meeting.

  • The Combined Authority will provide administrative support to the Forum and will provide regular updates on its own work, however, agendas will be open for anyone to bring relevant items to the meeting.

  • A process will be established whereby requests for items to be included on the agenda should be submitted not later than 4 weeks before the meeting is due to take place.