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West Midlands Greener Together Forum - June 2022

Transformational Impact

Current approach 
Neighbourhood transition approach
Primary objective
efficient installation of measures ongoing outcome for residents
one-off grants regenerative
individual fuel poor households whole communities
Service model
fragmented, intermittent, confusing continuous, supportive, empowering
Economic model
extractive, national democratic, local

House by House -> Street by Street

Individual customers -> Citizen collectives

Private profit ->Civic value

Emerging organising Thesis on link road / neighbourhood v1.
Everyday Participation

Practical everyday participation as a foundational principle of organising at a neighbourhood scale to convene, build mutual trust, create everyday spaces to play, work, grow, dream, ++ together. Building on the assets, histories, wisdoms, dreams and aspirations of the place. Starting where we are.

Unlocking + Cultivating Imaginations

Unlocking the inspirational, imaginative and vibrant possibilities for regenerative futures beyond the immediate challenges and single point solutions that our current systems privilege, and opening up and designing for radical possibilities.

Nurturing Collective Agency

Building our collective sensemaking of our local and interdependent global systems, power, skills, knowledge, ownership and confidence to take shared action.

Democratising Knowledge

Make visible, collectively sense, design for, and make available access to all scales of data, research, knowledge to the neighbourhood. Uplift marginalised knowledge systems and resource new knowledge production from under resourced communities.

Homes, Streets + Neighbourhoods as Systems

Organising as interconnected ecosystems, with partners, across challenges, opportunities, outcomes, portfolios, rather than isolated discrete projects and solutions.