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Renewable Air Source

Low cost energy saving

  • Buying a new TV, washing machine or dishwasher? Look out for the energy efficiency rating, and go for A-rated or better.
  • Get a hot water cylinder jacket.
  • A thick insulating jacket can save around £50 on bills a year.
  • Dodge the draught! Fit draught excluders to your windows, doors, letter box and key hole to keep the draughts out and save you £25 per year.
  • Fit radiator reflector panels. These slot behind a radiator that’s on an outside wall and reflect the heat back into the room.
  • Replacing old style lightbulbs with LED and save £30 a year. Plus they don’t need changing as frequently.
  • Change your head. Fit a water efficient shower head and save £30 a year.
  • Insulate your loft. A house loses 25% of heat through the roof.
  • Loft insulation is a cheap way of saving money on your home and can be done yourself.