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National policy timeline

Pre 2020

  • Minimum energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) for new let of at least EPC E


  • MEES expanded to cover existing Private Rental Sector
  • Green Home Grants for dwellings
  • Grid Carbon of 233gCO2/kWh


  • MEES expanded to cover existing non-domestic lets


  • MEES expanded to minimum EPC C for Private Rental Sector, new lets only
  • Future Homes Standard for construction of new dwellings
  • Grid Carbon of 175gCO2/kWh


  • National policy could result in 7% reduction by 2026 for the region


  • MEES expanded to minimum EPC C for all Private Rental Sector
  • Heat Pump target installation of 600,000 per year


  • MEES expanded to minimum EPC C for non-domestic lets
  • Grid Carbon of 137gCO2/kWh
  • New Car Ban for petrol and diesel engines
  • 10 Point Plan delivered


  • Clean Growth Strategy as many homes at EPC C as possible
  • New Car Ban for hybrid engines
  • Grid Carbon of 68gCO2/kWh

Post 2040

  • De-carbonised Railways mainly electrified in the West Midlands by 2040
  • National Net Zero target by 2050
  • Grid Carbon continues to de-carbonise