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Where are we now?

About the West Midlands Combined Authority region

  • It covers an area of over 90,000Ha
  • 2.9m people in 1.15 million homes
  • 88,600 businesses across the seven authorities
  • 78,400 businesses employing fewer than 10 people with a similar number turning over less than £1million
  • 1,000 businesses employing more than 100 people with a similar number turning over more than £10million
  • 1.4 million cars registered in the West Midlands Combined Authority (including 32,000 ultra low emissions vehicles).
  • 455 public EV chargers in the West Midlands Combined Authority of which 97 are ‘rapid’
  • 75 million vehicle miles taking place annually in the West Midlands Combined Authority. Over 60% of all journeys are made by car.

There is significant variation across the seven local authorities including the levels of fuel poverty (the national average for fuel poverty is 10.3%) and in the indices of multiple deprivation.