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Summary of investment required to 2026

  1. Domestic energy efficiency retrofit - £1,246m
  2. Domestic heating retrofit - £2,275m
  3. Domestic solar PV - £334m
  4. Commercial energy efficiency retrofit - £365m
  5. Commercial heating retrofit - £76m
  6. Commercial solar PV - £270m
  7. Industrial energy efficiency & fuels - Unquantified
  8. Industrial renewables. - £72m
  9. Avoiding travel - £23m
  10. Shifting travel - Unquantified
  11. Improving passenger service fleets - £178m
  12. Improving freight fleets - Unquantified
  13. Improving private vehicles - Unquantified
  14. Land use (Renewables) - £71m
  15. Land use (Natural Capital) - £57m