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Green and low carbon skills

Low-carbon electricity - Wind power, solar PV, hydropower, nuclear, CCS

Low-carbon services - Low-carbon financial, IT, and advisory service

Low-emission vehicles & infrastructure - Low-emission vehicles & infrastructure, fuel cells and energy storage systems

Energy efficient products - Insulation, lighting, monitoring and control systems

Low-carbon heat - Renewable heat, heat networks and CHP  

  • Alternative fuel - Bioenergy and hydrogen production 
  • Around half of automotive companies produce vehicle components in the West Midlands
  • Increased demand for electric cars will increase jobs in West Midlands - existing manufacturing capacity
  • Also install low carbon heating technologies, energy efficiency products and solar installations
  • Most jobs created in the WMCA will be in manufacturing low emission vehicles, battery packs and modules in giga factories situated near existing production sites. Wider mobility services and products may also play a role and affect demand for new vehicles and create opportunities for employment in the wider mobility sector.