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Delivery Plan

To enable FYP delivery, the WMCA will:


Lead on or work with others in the region to deliver carbon emissions reduction


The West Midlands Combined Authority can support others to deliver


Using the West Midlands Combined Authority to influence action by others indirectly

Delivery requires significant acceleration across all sectors by all stakeholders if we are to achieve the 2041 target.

  • Local authorities have a key role to play alongside the WMCA. The WMCA is seeking joint approaches to deliver at scale and set the conditions for net zero delivery.
  • Universities and colleges will need to work with employers to ensure there is no skills gap.
  • Communities have to work to meet the challenge and ensure a just and equitable transition.
  • People will need to make significant changes to their lifestyles which will positively impact on their health and well-being.
  • Private and voluntary sector are needed to collaborate and deliver projects