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WMCA’s role in systems management & governance

In order to ensure a cross-cutting approach to net zero delivery, it is proposed that a new WM2041 Net Zero Delivery Board is established that will:

  • Provide oversight of progress against strategy, business cases and delivery to achieve both 2026 and longer term 2041 ambitions;
  • Take responsibility for the achievement of net zero goals across the region and advocate for the necessary resources and powers to achieve this.
  • Recognise the importance of and facilitate integrated transport, energy and planning at a local level in delivering net zero.
  • Enable effective intelligence and data transfer between sectors to enable this.
  • Keep an eye on the goal and identify policy and regulatory barriers to the achievement of net zero by 2041 in the region and take action to remove these
  • Bring together local authorities where appropriate to deliver at scale and the pace required, respecting subsidiarity and relevant duties and powers;
  • Recognise the key role of LEPs, businesses, third sectors and education institutions, engaging them in a co-ordinated and strategic way around net zero delivery;
  • Receive input from a Net Zero Citizens’ Panel to test solutions and inform decisions developed from the FYP;
  • Get the region behind net zero and communicating a story together which is compelling and demonstrates commitment;
  • Report progress to the WMCA Environment and Energy Board.