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Ambition and Timeline under ‘Accelerated’ Scenario to 2026

Given the impetus to decarbonise as soon as possible the report sets out a hugely ambitious, but realistic ‘Accelerated’ to net zero by 2041.

The WMCA recognises the urgency of carbon reduction and will push the region to accelerate net zero delivery in sectors, where feasible, especially where they bring other benefits to people, the economy and our environment as part of a just transition.

2021 - 2026

  1. Domestic energy efficiency retrofit - Energy efficiency in 25% dwellings  
  2. Domestic heating retrofit - Low carbon heating system retrofit in 292,000 dwellings
  3. Domestic solar PV - 415 MWp of rooftop solar
  4. Commercial energy efficiency retrofit - Energy efficiency in 50% buildings 
  5. Commercial heating retrofit - Low-carbon heating system retrofit in 18,000
  6. Commercial solar PV - 350 MWp of rooftop solar
  7. Industrial energy efficiency & fuels - 4% deployment of H2 and 5% of CCS for High Temp process, 2.5% energy efficiency, 25% electrification for LT processes
  8. Industrial renewables. - 48 MWp of PV
  9. Avoiding Travel - 9% of people tele-commuting 50% of time, 6% less personal and retail trips
  10. Shifting travel - Bike increase to 5% of trips, Car decrease to less than 60%
  11. Improving passenger service fleets - 50% of taxis, buses and 25% of HGVs
  12. Land use (Renewables) - 30 MW Wind and 225 MWp of solar PV
  13. Land use (Natural Capital) - Tree coverage in 3% of WMCA area, and 5% of peri-urban area
  14. Systems Management - Upgrade and manage coordination across the energy associated systems (transport, digital)