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Alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Investing in mitigating and adapting to climate breakdown is essential for the future of the WMCA region. The WMCA is committed to a model of inclusive growth which judges economic activity by the quality of its outcomes for people and place, aligned with UNSDGs.

  1. Unite people across the region by creating common cause and addressing inequalities
  2. Make space for sustainable transport
  3. Invest in comfortable homes and buildings
  4. Build wealth, and recycle it throughout the region through skills and community ownership

The first Five Year Plan aims to:

Evidence based plan: Provide an evidence based plan, linking up WM2041 and local authority delivery plans, projects and investment programmes.

Common vision for stakeholders: Create a common vision for stakeholders across the West Midlands with a strategic plan, policies and outline of practical devolution opportunities to deliver WM2041.

Different existing and potential new routes to delivery: Outline different existing and potential new routes to delivery and where this is best led by communities, the public sector, the private sector, or a mixture.

Funding sources, financing and investment: Outline the funding sources, financing and investment to deliver the FYP.

A step change: Represent a step change in the way the region works together to deliver against environmental priorities for an inclusive, prosperous and fair transition.