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Following the approval of the ‘WM2041: A Programme for Implementing an Environmental Recovery’ in June 2020, the WMCA and stakeholders committed to producing five-year delivery plans in support of delivering the net zero carbon target for the West Midlands by 2041.

The aim of this first Five Year Plan (FYP) is to provide clear guidance on the types of measures that will need to be implemented in the 2021-2026 timeframe to reach net zero by 2041.

The WMCA and stakeholders, must understand where and how investment is required in programmes of delivery and policy changes to support the 2041 target.

The WMCA also needs to understand how this should be sequenced and the combination of approaches that will need to be taken to get them to a position of net zero by 2041.

#WM2041 – goals and principles

The original WM2041 plan (published in January 2020) suggested that becoming zero carbon needed to take account of wider social, economic and environmental principles. These are:

  1. Change our economy without leaving anyone behind
  2. Invest in the resilience of our places
  3. Use our industrial past to create a new future
  4. Create places and connections that help us to meet the climate challenge
  5. Decouple prosperity from the consumption of energy and resources