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A day in the life

A day in the life of a West Midlands resident in 2026

Who is Amelia? 

Amelia (pronouns: she/her) is in her early thirties working in the professional services industry. She lives in the West Midlands with her partner at their two bedroom home which they own together.

Early Morning:

7:30 am:

  • Amelia wakes up in her warm home that she has fully retrofitted with loft and wall insulation and new glazing. She no longer has to worry about condensation covered windows or draughts.

7:55 am: 

  • After breakfast she walks over to her home office, with planning permission from the council she no longer has to work from her dining table!


8:00 am:

  • Amelia works flexibly from home and no longer commutes every day. She uses the extra time to start work early and run errands at lunchtime. 

8:05 am:

  • Everyone in the street now has ultra-fast broadband so tele-conferencing is a breeze, even when her partner is also connected.


12:30 pm:

  • It’s a bright sunny day so the rooftop solar panels are generating all of the electricity the home needs. Amelia puts the washing machine on a low temperature wash to take full advantage.

1:00 pm:

  • Amelia stops for lunch in the new community pocket park and then heads round the corner to collect some parcels from her local collection hub. 


1:30 pm:

  • Amelia has a busy afternoon so heads to a flexible office space her company has rented. Once she finishes meetings Amelia makes the final arrangements for a community tree planting event at the weekend.

5:30 pm: 

  • There are plenty of electric taxis close by, but instead she rents a bike and uses the newly installed cycle lanes with her parcels in her backpack. 


6:00 pm:

  • Dropping off the bike Amelia opens her phone and turns up the home temperature using her smart thermostat which connects to the heat pump. 

9:00 pm: 

  • After dinner, she logs on to the college website to view the new modules available. Amelia is learning new skills to meet the demands of her business clients who want to reduce their carbon impact and improve their competitiveness.