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Equality, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion: A Learning Resource

WMCA Cultural Leadership Board


This is a working document/index intended to direct CLB members to informative and educational resources that explain and raise awareness of issues and campaigns surrounding equality, equity, inclusivity and diversity within the creative and cultural sectors. The CLB does not endorse individual organisations cited in this paper and encourages members to flag and provide any resources that should be included.

Contents Page


What is Equality, Equity, Inclusion and Diversity (EEDI)?..............................................................2

Critical Theory & Critical Thinking.............................................................3

EDI Across Sectors..............................................4

UK Inequality Rates across Protected Groups..............................................................4

Managerial/Leadership Positions and Protected Groups...............................................................4

Educational Attainment and Protected Groups.....................................................4

EDI within British Cultural and Arts Industries.........................................5

Protected Characteristics in the Cultural Sector.................................................7

Defining Age ...................................................................7


Defining Disability ..........................................................................................................................8

Resources & Opportunities............................................................................................................8

Defining Gender & Sexuality........................................................................................................11


Defining Race & Ethnicity.............................................................................................................13


Defining Religion ..........................................................................................................................16


Defining Intersectionality.............................................................................................................18


Equality, Equity, Inclusivity and Diversity: A Learning Resource

What is Equality, Equity, Inclusion and Diversity (EEDI)?

The UK’s Equalities Act 2010 seeks to protect people from discrimination and ensure that everyone is treated fairly. In 2011 the UK government published an easy read document – Easy Read: The Equality Act - to make concepts within the Equalities Act easier to understand.

Table 1. Core Legislative Concepts Defined

Diversity The variety of demographical traits that indicate human difference. The mixture of axes of difference (i.e., age, class, disability, ethnicity, gender, race, religion and sexuality etc.) that culminate to produce a given people group.
Discrimination The unfavourable treatment of one person compared to another because of their particular characteristics/traits.
Equality The state of being treated fairly and given the same rights and status as everyone else.
Positive Action The actions taken to ensure that those who are, and have been, disadvantaged because of personal characteristics receive equal and equitable opportunities and treatment both in and outside of the workplace
Protected Characteristics

A category of people who share a particular characteristic and have been granted special legal protection because of their historic, and ongoing, vulnerability to marginalisation. The Equalities Act list of protected characteristics:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender Reassignment
  • Marriage & Civil Partnerships
  • Race
  • Religion/belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual Orientation

Equality and Equity (2019) Social Change UK – “Although both promote fairness, equality achieves this through treating everyone the same regardless of need, while equity achieves this through treating people differently dependent on need.”

Equity and Equality Are Not Equal (2014) – a useful article by Blair Mann published by the Education Trust.

Inclusion is the opposite of exclusion. It is an approach to policy and practice that intentionally includes and integrates people who might otherwise be marginalised or excluded.

Critical Theory & Critical Thinking

“Critical theory is a social theory oriented toward critiquing and changing society as a whole. Critical theories aim to dig beneath the surface of social life and uncover the assumptions that keep human beings from a full and true understanding of how the world works.”

(ThoughtCo, 2019)

Changing Mind. What is Critical Theory?

John Spacey (2020) 16 Characteristics of Critical Theory

What does it mean to Decolonise the Curriculum? A TEDx Talk by Melz Owusu

New York Times (2021) Critical Race Theory: A Brief History

Colombia News (2021) What Is Critical Race Theory, and Why Is Everyone Talking About It?

EDI Across Sectors

The UK’s Gini Coefficient via the Office of National Statistics

  • The Gini Coefficient is a measurement of national inequality based on the distribution of household income.

UK Inequality Rates across Protected Groups

Managerial/Leadership Positions and Protected Groups

Educational Attainment and Protected Groups

EDI within British Cultural and Arts Industries

Equality, Diversity and the Creative Case – a report published by ACE in February 2020 concerning:

  • The demographical makeup of NPO workforces
  • The disproportionate representation of protected characteristics in leadership positions and 
  • The disproportionate representation of protected characteristics across disciplines

ACE’s Equality Action Plan Guide – a guide for NPOs to respond to the findings of the above Creative Case report and embrace diversity.

ACE’s Equality, Human Rights & Diversity Policy & Strategy (2019-2021)

Equity in Arts Education: What does it really look like? (2016) – an article by Deirdre Moore, published by The Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM

West Midlands Audience Engagement Report (2021) identifying the profile and mapping of audience engagement.

Panic! Social class, taste and inequalities in the creative industries (2018) – a report by Create London and the Arts and Humanities Research Council.

Creative Diversity: The state of diversity in the UK’s creative industries, and what we can do about it. – An economic case from the Creative Industries Federation on the need to diversify creative workplaces.

Understanding Diversity in the Arts 2016 – a report on survey data by Creative Scotland concerning: 

  • Who is working in the Arts?
  • What are the main barriers restricting career progression?

Overcoming barriers to diversity in UK film and television employment (2007) – an article from the Creative Industries Research and Consultancy Unit, University of Hertfordshire, identifying the benefits of diversity in the film and television industry for both market expansion and product/service enhancement.

Bectu is the union for creative ambition. It represents creatives in non-performance-based roles across the UK, advocating for their interests within the sector.

  • Bectu pay particular attention to advocating for and achieving diversity within the creative industries.

The Government’s Ethnicity Facts and Figures portal provides data on ethnic representation in cultural and community activities, with a focus on:

- Culture and heritage:

  • Participation in the arts
  • Visits to museums and galleries
  • Use of libraries
  • Visits to heritage sits
  • Visits to the natural environment

Diversity and Cultural Leadership in the West Midlands (2018) – a report for the West Midlands Leadership Commission that gathers the (very limited) data on diversity in cultural leadership at both the national and regional level.

Jerwood Arts and the Bridge Group have created a Toolkit to help employers address Socio-Economic Diversity and Inclusion in the Arts.  The toolkit addresses the significance of socioeconomic backgrounds and provides five top tips for employers in the Arts.

Creative People and Places (2021) How Diverse Are We Really? – Research that explores how diversity is understood and practised across the CPP network.

British Phonographic Industry (2017) Workforce diversity in the British music industry.

Tamsin Cox & Hannah Kilshaw (2021) Creating a More Inclusive Classical Music – a recent research report on the workforce of the West classical symphony orchestra tradition.

Creative & Cultural Skills (2021) Best Practice Recruitment Guide for Creative Leaders – a guide to support leaders across the arts and cultural industries to understand diversity and inclusion in the workplace as well as bringing these principles into recruitment processes.

Protected Characteristics in the Cultural Sector


Defining Age


Cultural Activity for Older People – a research paper.

Age UK’s Older People’s Groups portal – a resource that can be used to identify groups in local areas.

ACE on Celebrating Age – making cultural spaces welcoming to older people.

The Elder. How Museums and Galleries are Responding to Visitors with Dementia.

Art31 Young People and Arts Engagement. A report on youth engagement in the arts.

The Arts Society Birmingham. Young Arts. A programme of projects designed to inspire young people with a lasting enthusiasm for the arts.

The Baring Foundation (2009) Ageing Artfully: Older People and Professional Participatory Arts in the UK. A research paper on the role of art in ageing.

Senior Matters, Joy Intriago (2021) Engaging in Creative Arts is Beneficial to the Elderly.

MAC Birmingham. A portal of opportunity For Young People.

MAC Birmingham (2020) Young People on Arts Boards Training Programme.

Gen 22. An opportunity for young people from the WM, who might otherwise struggle to access CWG-related opportunities, to gain employability skills. This includes volunteering assignments connected to Physical Activity, Creativity or the Digital.

Arts Connect – an organisation working with partners across the WM to connect children and young people to high quality arts and cultural activities.

Music for Youth – a national youth arts charity that provides young people with “free, life changing performance and progression opportunities”.

Cultural Capital Inquiry – research into how inequality impacts young Londoners’ engagement in arts and culture.

A Younger Theatre - a theatre publication exclusively run and aimed at creative people aged between 16 and 35.


Defining Disability

The Equality Act 2010, Section 6(1)

A person is considered disabled if they:

(a) have a physical or mental impairment, and

(b) their impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD) 2006, Preamble (e) “disability is an evolving concept and that disability results from the interaction between persons with impairments and attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinders their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.”

Resources & Opportunities

Shining the light on disabled artists – see how Coventry City of Culture have been doing this.

DASH – A Disabled led arts organisation based in Shropshire that commissions work by disabled artists across the UK.

Disability Action Plan (2019-2024) – a plan developed by Arts Council Northern Ireland to encourage the participation of disabled people in arts and cultural activity.

Disability Arts International – a website created by the British Council to promote the work of the unique generation of excellent disabled artists, disabled-led companies and inclusive arts organisations.

Disability Arts Online – an organisation led by disabled people and designed to give disabled creatives a platform to advance disability arts and culture.

Disability And … - a podcast delivered by Disability Arts Online and Graeae where disabled artists discuss the most pressing issues faces arts and cultural industries.

Disability Cooperative Network – a network of museum professionals from across London and the West Midlands committed to disabling barriers to the cultural sector.

Disability Under Siege (2020-24) – a four-year research programme designed to examine the role of arts and humanities in developing inclusive forms of education for children with disabilities.

Deafinitely Theatre - the first deaf launched and deaf led professional theatre company in the UK producing quality bilingual theatre in British sign language and spoken English

Using the Law to Challenge Discrimination (2021) – a downloadable guide by Inclusion London that relates equality legislation to disability.

MAC Makes Music – a programme specifically designed for young aspiring disabled musicians to get involved with music-making in the West Midlands.

Making a Shift (2018) - An ACE report on disability in the arts and cultural sector workforce in England.

Ruth Gould on how Disability Arts can be a Catalyst for Change.

Seven Inclusive Principles (2020) ACE have developed tools to help arts and cultural organisations approach Covid-19 recovery and delivery through the lens of Disability and relevant Equality Legislation

Special School and Museums Toolkit - Toolkit developed from the South East Museum Development Programme intended to link museums with special schools in Kent – making them both accessible and inclusive.

Tate provide a platform for Disability and Art, showcasing how the range of human ability has been captured through the work of disabled artists.

Welcoming families with special educational needs and disabilities - CultureHive – some top tips on how your organisation can become more accessible and welcoming to special needs families.

A British Council guide to disability equality – a helpful guidance document that includes some key definitions relating to disability.

Disability Arts Online (2020) Disability equality is passé. Inclusion is old school. Access is now! – a commentary on the significance of access in the arts.

A Younger Theatre (2021) Disabled Theatre Companies and Organisations across the UK.

Birmingham Open Media (BOM) - a centre for art, technology and science exploring how technology can be used as a tool for change, to make society a better place. Their interests and expertise are in neurodiversity and technology, how technology can help disadvantaged communities, and how it can be used to address environmental challenges.

Cloud Cuckoo Land - a neuro-divergent led organisation making, supporting and promoting creatively inventive participatory music theatre and multi-artform activities engaging with people in systemically marginalised communities.

Spectra - A performance company working with learning disabled performers that brings fresh fire to the creation of theatre: sparked by an alliance of extraordinary imaginations, producing interactive adventures that call on all of the audience’s senses to imagine intensely positive possibilities.

Open Theatre Company - OTC use nonverbal physical theatre to collaborate with young people with learning disabilities, creating quality art which reflects and celebrates their unique creativity.

Neurodiverse West Midlands Theatre Network - A new network currently established for theatre artists in the region who identify as neurodivergent. 

Deaf Explorer - transforms the autonomy and destiny of D/deaf artists. They forge radical approaches and creative opportunities to produce contemporary D/deaf culture.

FRONTLINE dance – an organisation that seeks to break down the barriers for people to engage in dance participation and performance, playing a positive role in integration and community cohesion.

Accessible Arts and Culture (ACCAC) - a growing international network and community that promotes accessibility, inclusion and equity.

Time to Act (2021) – report published by Europe Beyond Access and the British Council that addresses how the lack of knowledge in the cultural sector creates barriers for disabled artists and audiences.

Reflecting on Change (2021) – a report by the British Council that reflects on the work of the British Council in supporting and empowering disability arts practitioners.

OHMI Trust – A West Midlands-based organising pioneering the development and adaptation of musical instruments for people who are physically disabled.

Guide to Good Practice with BSL in the Arts – a guide developed in collaboration between Deafinitely Theatre and Equity for all those who engage with creative practitioners in our industry.

Gender & Sexuality

Defining Gender & Sexuality •

  • Gender – “the socially constructed ideas about human behaviour, actions and roles in relation to ideas of ‘masculinity’ and ‘femininity’. The way you feel about your gender is called your gender identity.” - See Gender: A Few Definitions for a more comprehensive list of terms and acronyms relating to gender.
  • Sexuality – describes one’s sexual preferences, including who one is attracted to, what one enjoys and how one enjoys it. 
  • LGBTQIA+ - an acronym that stands for: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Transsexual, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual and more (+). - The term is meant to represent various sexualities and gender identities that have been historically marginalized either by ignorance, segregation or extermination.


Hertie School of Governance (2009) Gender Equality Policy in the Arts, Culture and Media: Comparative Perspectives – a research paper outlining policies across European countries.

UNESCO (2014) Gender Equality, Heritage and Creativity. A report that identifies the need for equal responsibilities and opportunities in the fields of heritage and creativity.

Culture Action Europe (2016) Gender Equality in the Arts.

Arifa Akbar (2021) “UK Report Reveals ‘Disgraceful’ Gender Inequality in the Arts”.

Dr Cath Sleeman, PEC (2019) Measuring Gender Imbalances in Reporting on the Creative Industries.

Classic FM (2021) Women compose only 5 percent of the pieces scheduled in classical music concerts today

The Trans and Non-Binary Film Network (TNFN) – a global community to connect trans and non-binary people who work in the film industry.

Queer Film Network (QFN) - a not-for-profit, community-led organisation made up of LGBTQIA+ film programmers focused on bringing together queer film exhibitors to share resources and ideas.

BFI, Thomas Flew (2021) By us, about us, for all: why films by trans people matter for everyone

Nikki Reitz (2017) The Representation of Trans Women in Film and Television – an academic article that outlines the negative and damaging depiction of trans women through film and television.

Stonewall, Juno Bhardwaj-Shah (2020) There’s no blueprint for trans people of colour in the arts

Queer Art – an organisation set up in 2009 to support a generation of LGBTQ+ artists that lost mentors to the AIDS Crisis of the 1980s. Queer Art offers three strands of support: PRACTICE (Creative and Professional Development), PRESENTS (Events, Exhibitions, and other Public Presentations), and AWARDS (Residencies, Grants, and Prizes).

SHOUT Festival of Queer Arts and Culture – a festival for Birmingham and the West Midlands that aims to amplify the voices of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer people and communities from across our city and region, and start new conversations and tell new stories about LGBT+ life

Sanctuary Queer Arts - Scotland’s newest arts organisation for LGBTQIA+ folx. Sanctuary Queer Arts are dedicated to amplifying LGBTQIA+ voices through the creation of artistic development opportunities for queer performance makers

Sophia Greppi, The Arts Development Company. Where are the Queer Women in Theatre?

Curious Arts – an organisation that champions and develops the LGBTQIA+ cultural offer of the North East of England.

Queer Arts Consortium - an innovative model of collaborative working that seeks to preserve, develop and embolden its partner organisations.

Race & Ethnicity

Defining Race & Ethnicity 

  • Race – a social construct that is usually associated with biology and linked with physical characteristics such as skin colour or hair texture.
  • Ethnicity – a social construct linked with cultural expression and identification. o Race and ethnicity are used to categorise and characterise people groups.
  • “BAME” – an acronym used by governments bodies to denote black, Asian and minority ethnic communities. - This acronym is reductive and pigeon-holes people groups by what they are not – white. It has been recommended that government refrain from using this acronym. 
  • The CLB rejects this and other similar reductive terms. 
  • “Global Majority” – this term is thought to be empowering and signifies that those of African, Asian, Latin American and Arab descent form most of the world’s population – this rejects whiteness as the global norm. 
  • Minoritized Ethnic Groups - An emerging term that can replace ethnic minority and BAME/BME that recognises how specific ethnic groups have been minoritized through social structures and processes. This term acknowledges that groups who are minorities in the UK are majorities elsewhere.


Amy Morin, Verywell Mind (2020) The Difference between Race and Ethnicity. An article that outlines the differences between race and ethnicity, which are often mistakenly used interchangeably.

Institute of Race Relations. Definitions. This document is one of many publications from the Institute of Race Relations, an educational charity that carries out research, publish and collect resources on race relations throughout the world.

The More Than A Moment pledge - the West Midlands arts sector's promise to take radical, bold, and immediate action, to dismantle the systems that have for too long kept Black* artists and creatives from achieving their potential in the arts and cultural industries.

Black Lives in Music’s recent report Being Black in the UK Music Industry (2021)

The Race Equality Code 2020 – an accountability framework designed to provide organisations across all sectors with the opportunity to address race inequality within boardroom and senior leadership settings.

UCL (2021) Major study of racial inequality in UK film industry

Why you don't see many black and ethnic minority faces in cultural spaces – and what happens if you call out the system (

Girl Grinder UK CIC – a movement and community that works to create opportunities for Black and Asian women and girls across the region.

MAIA – an arts and social justice organisation based in the West Midlands, UK and working worldwide

- MAIA connects community-rooted artists with resources and infrastructure.

- MAIA’s mission is to “invest in the transformative possibilities of the Black imagination”.

The Black Music Therapy Network - an organization comprised of Black students, practitioners, musicians, business owners, researchers, educators, and cultural workers deeply invested in our people.

- The Black Music Therapy Network’s mission is to support the health and well-being of Black communities through music therapy.

Black Bectu Network – a network bringing the experiences and concerns of Black, Asian and minority ethnic people working in the creative industries to light.

Jake Kanter (2020) Demanding Change: Why, in 2020, over 700 Black, Asian and minority ethnic TV workers wrote to UK networks demanding action on racial equality.

Anti-Racism Touring Rider – A guide developed by Graeae, offering organisations a freelancers a series of actions for anti-racist practice and giving a framework for discussion and support before and during a tour.

Race equality through anti-racism guide (2021) – from the British Council.

Creative Industries Policy & Evidence Centre (2021) Using computer vision to improve onscreen representation. A series of reports on the issue of diversity on our screens.

The Conversation (2020) Why you don’t see many black and ethnic minority faces in cultural spaces – and what happens if you call out the system

BFI, Naomi Obeng (2020) Racism in the UK film industry – BFI surveyed a professional panel about racial inequality. This article presents the survey’s findings.

Ballet Black – a professional ballet company that celebrates dancers of Black and Asian descent.

Sarita Malik (2019) Action, not theory: Diversity in creative industries – an article that explores the civic value and responsibility of the arts in establishing diversity.

Laurie Mompelat (2018) A creative clap back to racism in the arts

Punch Records - the UK’s leading Music and Arts agency who have a commitment to working with Black Music, Arts and Culture.

Manchester Evening News (2021) British Bhangra conquers cultural racism to go global – outlines how the popularity of Bhangra music has and continues to struggle against racism.

Dr Rajinder Dudrah (2021) Bhangra – A book that charts the history of the musical phenomenon that is British bhangra music from the streets of Birmingham to its place in the mainstream music world.

Indian Cultural Society at the Birmingham Museum of Art.

Sampad – a cultural organisation based in the Midlands Arts Centre, intended to connect people with South Asian and British Asian Arts and Heritage, and to play a cutting-edge role in the creative economy.

Sandwell & Birmingham Mela – the UK’s biggest South Asian music festival.

Soul City Arts – an organisation based in Birmingham that brings diverse communities together and using the arts to create platforms for all to speak.

Unlock – a toolkit developed by Inc Arts for the create and cultural to take measurable action against racism.

Arts Against Racism – A national strategy on anti-racist action in the creative sector that is currently being developed by Inc Arts. This is due to launch in January 2022.

Black Lives Matter Charter for the UK Heritage Sector – a charter developed by Culture & that encourages heritage organisations to commit to a stance against racism. The Royal Academy’s Race Equity Statement (2020) – a pledge to do better as an institution committed to inclusion and racial equity


Defining Religion

Equality Act 2010 Section 10

(1) Religion means any religion and a reference to religion includes a reference to a lack of religion.

(2) Belief means any religious or philosophical belief and a reference to belief includes a reference to a lack of belief.

More Than Words: Approaching a Definition of Islamophobia

“Islamophobia is a prejudice, aversion, hostility, or hatred towards Muslims and encompasses any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference against Muslims that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.” (MEND, 2018)

Resources/Opportunities The Commonwealth Theatre’s part-car, part-theatre show, Peaceophobia. - Peaceophobia is an unapologetic response to rising Islamophobia around the world.

Religion and Belief Equality Guide (2016) – from the British Council.

Creative People and Places (2019) A Seat at the Table – a blog post challenging the notion of ‘hard to reach’ communities.

Gujarati Hindu Association Birmingham U.K – a cultural organisation in North Birmingham involved in promoting Gujarati heritage, its rich culture, language, literature.

The Hindu Temple & Cultural Centre – a centre that promotes bhakti (devotion), rich culture and Indian heritage.

Christian Arts Trust – an organisation established to provide a unique opportunity for artists with Christian faith to develop new ideas and projects.

Nishkam Centre – a cultural organisation tasked with developing a dynamic Sikh faith civic agenda.

Birmingham & Black Country Sikh Migration Story – a project run by the Nishkam Centre that captures the retrospective journey of the Sikh population in Birmingham and the Black Country, from the first generation to the current day.

Pillars Muslim Artist Database - The Pillars Muslim Artist Database is a professional network created to bring more Muslims into the filmmaking process.

Alchemy Arts - unique social enterprise that uses the arts and creative media to help people build confidence, foster friendships, learn new skills and feel included.

The Guardian (2017) The beauty of art can counter Islamophobia – but it won’t be easy – an article on how Arab and Muslim Art museums in New York are challenging common misconceptions.

Soul City Arts – Waswasa – An immersive theatrical experience exploring the act of Islamic prayer in British secular society.


Defining Intersectionality “intersectionality describes the ways in which systems of inequality based on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, class and other forms of discrimination “intersect” to create unique dynamics and effects.”

(Centre for Intersectional Justice)

  • The British Academy (2018) What is intersectionality? – an article that defines intersectionality and identifies its uses for addressing contemporary issues.


Allies in the Arts – a non-profit organisation intended to support artists who are women, BIPOC, and LGBTQQIA2S — all of whom are underrepresented individuals in creative industries.

Allies in the Arts. Black Queer Futures 2021 – a photography collection that highlights a different queer Black artist each week via Instagram features about their influences, practice, and what’s needed to support their careers.

Allies in the Arts. Reel Her In - An annual screening of short films directed by womxn of colour and LGBTQQIA2S identified female, trans* and non-binary people.

Unmuted – a cultural organisation that exists to raise the voices and representation of LGBTQI People of Colour / QTIPOC (Queer Trans Intersex People of Colour) in Birmingham.

Natasha Brown, A Younger Theatre (2018) On Creating Intersectional Theatre.

Queer East Film Festival - An LGBTQ+ film festival that showcases rarely seen queer cinema from East and Southeast Asia and seeks to amplify the voices of Asian communities in the UK.

Queer Youth Arts Collective – an organisation seeking to challenge isolation, provide free and engaging arts workshops and build skills and infrastructure for a resilient, peer-led LGBTQ arts and education culture in London and throughout the UK.

Black Womxn in Theatre - to celebrate the contributions that black womxn have made to the British arts industry by hosting and holding spaces and campaigning for long-lasting sector changes.

#AllofUs Redundancy Care Campaign run by Black Womxn in Theatre was an immediate response to support Black, Asian, ethnically diverse and migrant arts workers facing redundancy.

#AllOfUs Independent Evaluation report – a report on the delivery of the deliver of the #HeretoStay programme that developed out of Black Womxn in Theatre’s All of Us Campaign. The programme supported 42 Black, Asian and ethnically diverse cultural workers experiencing insecure employment during the 2020 pandemic