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WMCA Cultural Leadership Board (CLB) Meeting 9 - Minutes

Working group updates

‘More than a Moment’ (MtaM) update and feedback from WMCA EDI conversation – Jerrel Jackson
  • Moving ideas and actions forward by updating the MTAM Action Plan

  • Developed a CLB Jargon Buster which will be a live document

  • Developed the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Learning Resource document

  • Developing an anti-racism statement in conversation with WMCA, as well as looking into a wider EDI statement & actions

  • All above documents to be added to CLB webpage

  • More board members are encouraged to join the working group

Key feedback from members was to include considerations around equality/equity; making anti-racism statement less ‘academic’; check wordings and use ‘mixed ethnic groups’ instead of ‘minorities’. Jerrel thanked board members for suggestions and final feedback to be received by 3 December.

  • Members to provide feedback on Jargon Buster and Action Plan by Fri 3rd Dec
  • Beth to update documents based on CLB comments
  • Members to contact Salla & Jerrel to join the group


Cultural & Creative Social Enterprise programme – Karen Newman
  • GirlDreamer progressing well and near to completion of the programme
  • Kiondo is half-way through delivery but still on track to finish by end of January, although there have been some challenges in finding a 5th micro organisation after the initial organisation dropped out
  • Evaluation for the programme proceeding as planned
  • Programme has highlighted some of the support needs for these type of organisations – with working group members providing additional support where needed
  • Bring insights from programme into MTAM & EDI Action Plan


Members noted that learnings from this programme particularly around access and inclusion should be captured and considered as part of the MtaM/EDI work. The working group should also consider how participants could be supported after the programme.

Black Country Cultural Investment working group – Pamela Cole-Hudson
  • Proposal is in development for a 3-year programme with a mix of capital and revenue investment

  • Four Cultural Action Zones have been selected through stakeholder consultation, one in each local authority: (1) Brierley Hill (2) West Bromwich High St (3) Walsall Canal Basin & Town Centre (4) Wolverhampton West Park

    WMCA Town Centre Task Force – Doreen Foster

  • Doreen attended her first meeting, and focus is particularly on challenges facing town centres

  • Focus on revenue over capital – bringing life to town centres through existing assets

  • The Task Force is very focused on actions, which is positive and Doreen to keep particularly the cultural infrastructure group informed. CLB representation can help to widen the perspective of the group and build relationships with key stakeholders

  • Salla and Doreen to have a catch-up
  • Doreen to convey these points to the Task Force


Members noted that CLB should highlight the need to support diverse leaders to access infrastructure and repurposed assets. This might include access to funding such as Historic England Outreach to Ownership Pilot

Cultural Infrastructure Working Group – Simeon Shtebunaev
  • Group has developed a theory of change which will focus on advocacy both for safeguarding cultural & heritage infrastructure – as well as promoting the role of culture within high streets and other built environment
  • Next steps will include discussions with WMCA Housing & Regeneration Team, as well as finalising outputs and timelines
Skills Working Group – Indi Deol
  • First meeting included a presentation from WMCA on skills funding and current activities

  • The group will develop an action plan and a theory of change model to identify how to best support skills development in the cultural sector. This could include e.g. developing bootcamps and identifying specific skills gaps
  • Freelance Task & Finish Group – Salla Virman on behalf of Cheryl
  • Considered actions that could be taken in response to research recommendations and other information available nationally on challenges facing freelancers

  • Scoping for external members and then developing short-term actions which also feed into the work of the skills group
  • The group would welcome any information board members may have about previous or current research on freelancers, or programmes and activities that are happening in the region with a focus on freelancers
Cultural Prospectus Working Group – Julia Negus
  • Cultural Prospectus still planned for March 2022 and the aim is to produce a series of documents and other content

  • Group have identified target groups and key messages that will be used as the audiences for these materials

  • Next steps will involve finalising the target groups & key messages, outputs and developing a tender document for the work

  • Members to email Salla any information on freelancers