WMCA Cultural Officers Group (COG) update
Salla provided an update from COG:
COG review has been completed and some of the key
changes are:
- WMCA now chairing meetings
- West Midlands Growth Company (WMGC) invited to attend as permanent member to link up with tourism
- COG to increase collaboration with CLB through working group activity – joint working already started with Cultural Prospectus group
- COG looking to develop relationships with non- culture sector stakeholder to increase awareness of the role of the sector within these contexts (e.g. innovation)
The Chair of CLB will continue to attend COG meetings to provide updates
COG had presentation from WMGC on the Business & Tourism Investment Programme and a summary of the BBC Apprenticeship Hub activities
Next COG meeting will have a special focus on Commonwealth Games activities
Salla to keep CLB updated on the BBC Apprenticeship Hub