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WMCA Cultural Leadership Board (CLB) Meeting 9 - Minutes

Next steps from away day

Towards and action plan
  • Following the away day, there is commitment to develop a clear action plan and a theory of change to support this.

  • The role of the Deputy Chair will be to specifically support working group activities, while the Chair will focus on wider stakeholder management
  • It was noted the any action plans – or documents shared with the board – should be accessible. Any policy related updates should also be presented in a summarised and clear format and where possible, the CLB should also influence external parties producing these documents to make this easier to understand and digest. It may be possible to invest some resource towards this.
  • The Chair and Deputy-Chair will meet with WMCA Head of Communications soon to discuss specific needs for CLB to raise the profile of the board and the role of culture in ensuring include growth for the region

  • An annual communications plan will also be created and the communications working group should be convened after the meeting with WMCA

It was agreed that raising the profile of the board was important and the board should also develop its online and social media presence. The board already has a hashtag #WMCulturalBoard and members are encouraged to use it

  • Carol to contact chairs of working groups