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WMCA Cultural Leadership Board Meeting 5 - Minutes

WMCA Cultural Officers Group update

Val Birchall presented draft strategic priorities for culture that were developed by COG. These priorities would act as the long-term goals and also feed into resourcing conversations within the WMCA through Portfolio Holder for Culture & Digital. CLB were asked to provide feedback on the main four priorities. Key feedback included:

  • Overall agreement on the four key priorities

  • Comments raised on being mindful the how these would

    be actually implemented and resourced. Adam noted that the responsibility would lie across the different WMCA policy areas and workstreams and that case for resources was being made.

  • Important to remember the scale of businesses to ensure that also smaller organisations would benefit

  • Further detail on how cultural organisations themselves could work towards supporting and resourcing priorities

  • Importance of placemaking was recognised as a key priority

  • Green recovery and sustainability should be further highlighted in the priorities

  • Adam also noted that the Mayor of West Midlands has had conversations with Arts Council England around lack of investment to Black Country. A separate group with Black Country representation would be convened to discuss this further.

  • Salla to share feedback with COG
  • Salla to coordinate Black Country meeting