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WMCA Cultural Leadership Board Meeting 5 - Minutes

Update on ‘More than a Moment’ implementation plan

It was agreed that a separate working group should meet to discuss the plan in more detail. Jerrell, Karen and Ian expressed an interest in taking part in this work, other members to email Salla if they would like to join.

A few general comments were made:

  • As a regional body representing the cultural sector, CLB

    should make its actions visible and speak up

  • It was recognised that the pledge is a response to injustice, and a focused call for action in relation to black creatives. Given that the pledge has a specific focus, it is about positive action and not intended to be a separatist agenda. It was therefore recognised that even though there was support for the pledge, this was not to undermine other issues around diversity and inclusion.

  • The definition for ‘black’ was seemed problematic in part, particularly around mixed heritage, although the members were happy to adopt the definition used at the pledge for now to ensure the focus was on taking action.

  • Salla to set up working group
  • Members to email Salla if want to join