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WMCA Cultural Leadership Board Meeting 7 - Minutes

Working group updates

Cultural & Creative Social Enterprise programme
  • The two grants been awarded to GirlDreamer and Kiondo as host organisations, who will later on be supporting 5 micro-organisations within their communities
  • Some learning was shared with the board relating to the grant process and assessment of applications, and how to improve on this going forward particularly around supporting neurodiverse applicants and ensuring selection panels are truly representative. This feedback will be used to inform any future processes.
Black Country working group
  • The latest meeting took place on 18 May

  • The group is making progress in creating a wider investment proposal for the area with the next steps involving a smaller focus group supported by consultant
‘More than a Moment’ action plan
  • The group met on 11 May and are working towards finalising the action plan with both Jerrel and Ian engaging with wider conversations with WMCA, Young Combined Authority and West Midlands Cultural Response Unit More than a Moment group

  • Having discussions to focus and decide on what the group need to do and what the key messages are.

Further comments were raised on diversity more widely, with a call out to the board on how:

  • Black leaders in the West Midlands could be safeguarded better specifically around the Black Lives Matter movement and other pressures. This is particularly important for vulnerable individuals.

  • How CLB can take a radical role to promote diversity more widely and contribute resources, including financial support

  • How to ensure working groups are truly representative not just the sector, but their communities and the real issues they are facing

  • There was a clear call for public institutions, including WMCA, to be matching words with actions – including greater funding to tackle these issues and support Black and ethnic minority community leaders.

It was agreed that a separate session should be set up to discuss these aspects in more detail and any action that needs to be taken, as well as consider how CLB members could be better safeguarded.

  • WMCA team to schedule a separate meeting