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WMCA Cultural Leadership Board Meeting 7 - Minutes

WMCA updates & comms

Andy Street re-elected as the Mayor of West Midlands and his manifesto has specific items relating to culture including:

  • Making the most of major events such as CWG and

    Coventry City of Culture

  • Advocating for a cultural investment deal for the West

    Midlands with the Government

  • Increase cultural investment in Black Country

  • Heritage focus

  • ‘Sector to lead itself’ principle

The board wanted to know how CLB can influence the Mayor’s definition of heritage and get involved in work around this. Adam noted that the Mayor has plans to set up an internal working group to plan the broader scope. There is also the possibility of a broader steering group that could potentially include CLB members. WMCA team to explore further and keep board up to date.

  • WMCA team to discuss CLB’s involvement with the Mayor.


A comment was raised around how diversity within cultural sector leadership could be improved and championed, with a specific focus on succession planning. Adam noted that the Mayor is passionate about diversity on boards and therefore likely to welcome a conversation around this, linking with the Leadership Commission work and a potential Equalities Taskforce. Chair requested if the Board could ask for the opportunity rather than be invited into discussions.

Adam to explore further. It was noted that for example, the Cultural and Creative Social Enterprise Development Programme is a good example of how leadership and diversity can be supported within the cultural sector.

Given the strong focus on heritage, the board discussed if a position statement about contested heritage should be developed. Adam noted if CLB wish to put forward any statement then WMCA could facilitate the process.

More broadly, WMCA currently working on a three-year corporate strategy which will link to regional priorities and wider opportunities including levelling up – which has now replaced a focus on devolution within central government.

  • The CLB’s role within the corporate strategy process will be in the development of milestones in outlining future aspirations and the role that WMCA should play within arts and culture

  • Spending Review expected September/October – with potential to pitch cultural projects specifically for Black Country

  • While WMCA cannot comment on the current status and process for the Community Renewal Fund (CRF), a shortlist will be submitted on 18 June to MHCLG and will be shared with the board

  • Adam to keep the board up to date on the Shared Prosperity Fund

  • Adam to discuss CLB’s involvement with the Mayor.
  • Adam to share shortlist for CRF bids with the board
  • Adam to keep the board up to date on the Shared Prosperity Fund


On communications:
  • West Midlands cultural research to be now launched on 17 June 2021
  • Salla currently working on wider comms and advocacy plan for cultural policy work and CLB

It was recognised that there was a need to highlight CLB activity to date and the existing working group should pick up some of this work.