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WMCA Cultural Leadership Board Meeting 7 - Minutes

Updates on Creative Industries LIS recovery work and WMCA Cultural Officers Group

David Furmage provided an outline of the Creative Industries Sector Plan recovery work currently being planned and implemented through a cross-regional advisory group. It was noted that the future of the Local Industrial Strategy was not certain, and it is likely that it will morph into the Government’s ‘Plan for Growth’.

In terms of the Cultural Officers Group:

  • COG is proposing that the regional cultural strategy

    should include 10-year vision, with the initial 2-year delivery plan focusing on Covid-recovery and major events, followed by a 3-year post-Covid plan

  • Strategy based on four agreed WMCA objectives for culture: development, participation, placemaking and promotion. The strategy should have a clear focus on regional opportunities and impact.

  • The strategy development process will be led by a joint working group by COG and CLB, supported by external consultants. The process would also require consultation with communities, the cultural sector and other key stakeholders

  • Deadline for development of the outline strategy and the first 2-year delivery plan is 31 March 2022

It was noted that CLB working group currently leading on the research work could provide CLB representation for strategy work pending the working group review.

The board highlighted the importance of linking the strategy to the needs of communities and having diversity as a key focus area. It should also be action focused and help to leverage investment to the region.

WMCA is currently working on finalising the process outline and starting to work on the tender for this work. WMCA will be contributing funding towards this work but is also in discussions with other stakeholders about resources.