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WMCA Cultural Leadership Board Meeting 3 - Minutes

Working Group updates

Workstream 1: CA Economic & Social ambitions

Due to Ellen McAdam stepping down as Chair of the working group, Ammo Talwar presented the item as the new Chair. There are currently two main workstreams:

Workstream 1

Reviewing and commenting on the WMCA ‘Cultural Catalyst’ business case as part of the wider ‘Recharge the West

Midlands’ submission to Government and potentially subsequent spending review asks. Key feedback on proposal:

Further discussion needed whether capital is the best way to use any funding and how this can be redefined, although overall supportive of a place-based approach and capital projects that are ready to go

Ensure considerations for supply and value chain are included

Ensuring investment enables tangible benefits to be gained from regional major events

How investment would link with skills, including digital skills and addressing data poverty

Alignment and filling gaps relating to the £1.57bn Government investment (detail TBC) which could be included to spending review, particularly as the former is more focused on short-term survival rather than long-term resilience building

  • AH to ensure views are fed into spending review conversations through formal channels.


The idea of Cultural Action Zones was supported by the working group

The board were keen that digital skills and digital access was included as part of the cultural ask

  • SV to organise meeting with WG1 and David Furmage developing the cultural ask



WMCA cultural sector data mapping & evidence base development where following board comments were received:

Suggestion to see if it is possible to map number of start-ups and new businesses as part of the economic impact piece

WG1 would need to ensure that the resulting data and evidence are accessible and ensure there are clear accountabilities in relation to data and the project

  • SV to ensure suggestions incorporated to proposal where possible.



It was recognised that there may be issues in consistency of data already held in the region across different stakeholder. Any data sources to be flagged to SV.

AT thanked Ellen McAdam for providing the initial idea and impetus for this work

Overall, the board were supportive of the proposal.

  • Members to send data sources to SV by 31/7/2020


Workstream 2: Funding & Resilience

Tim Maycock as the Chair provided an update:

Sam Hope from Wolverhampton Cultural Compact and as lead of the CRU Compacts+ network now joined as external member

Plans for information session on alternative finance models with Arts Council England to guide future workplans

Next meeting to be scheduled and to include discussion on the role of CLB in relation to the Government investment and some concerns around lack of understanding of local circumstances in relation to distribution of funds

The Chair encouraged board members to join the working group sessions.

  • Members wanting to join to contact TM and SV


Workstream 3: Leadership, entrepreneurship & engagement

Karen Newman as Chair provided an update:

Keeping with the vision & mission of the CLB and the impact

of Covid-19 to the sector, the group has been working on a proposal to support small and diverse creative social enterprises. This was shared in advance of the meeting and KN highlighted key features of the proposal

There is also strong alignment with the wider Social Enterprise workstream within the WMCA

Overall, the board was very supportive of the proposal. It was noted that access to the project should be kept as open and transparent as possible. Board members were invited to provide intelligence relating to evaluation of project.

  • Further feedback on proposal or evaluation to be sent to SV by 31/7/2020
  • AH and KN to have conversation with relevant portfolio holders


Event Group

SV provided a brief update:

Group met 1 April with plans to develop a press release and

digital launch for the board, as well as an actual event of conference further in the future

Covid-19 impacted initial plans and the group will need to reassess approach

AL noted that the group could still develop plans around Mayoral election hustings relating to the cultural sector.

  • SV to schedule next meeting and look into hustings