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WMCA Cultural Leadership Board Meeting 3 - Minutes

WMCA update

AH covered CLB Forward Plan, future support function for CLB, economic recovery package and spending review.

AH to ensure relevant groups are invited to conversations around spending review.

It was recommended Working Group 1 (CA ambitions) would schedule a meeting for mid-August to provide further information around the cultural ask, with a further meeting in early September to comment of the draft spending review proposal.

  • AH to inform groups on relevant meetings and opportunities to input meetings as suggested
  • AT to coordinate WG1 one


AH is currently working on ensuring there will be further support function for CLB following the end of SV’s secondment.

SV noted potential for CLB and CTAG to also advice planning around Commonwealth Games legacy and impact planning from WMCA perspective and will provide further information as soon as possible.

  • SV to coordinate conversations for CWG/WMCA