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WMCA Cultural Leadership Board Meeting 3 - Minutes

Welcome & Apologies

Apologies were noted.

The Chair opened the meeting by acknowledging the importance of the Black Lives Matter movement, and the role of the CLB in advocating and actioning initiatives which will bring change to the cultural sector. Board members were invited to discuss further.

Key points raised:

  • Real action instead of further research, slogans, commissions, programmes or discussions

  • Sector collaboration and consistency is key to ensure there is real change particularly in leadership of cultural organisations

  • Radical change needed in cultural organisation boards to ensure all voices are heard and the benefits of different cultural experiences are maximised

  • Holding Arts Council England accountable both for its own workforce, as well as the organisations it funds

  • AT highlighted his recent work in challenging Commonwealth Games on the lack of diversity in their leadership as well as ways they are approaching e.g. procurement and community engagement

  • Real opportunities needed particularly for young activists to be heard and supported without tokenism

  • Some doubts were also raised whether anything will change

  • Improved recruitment processes for cultural organisations as well as LAs and WMCA are required


Chair concluded that the CLB should focus on development of further actions to be discussed at the next meeting.

  • AH to share WMCA response plans


Declarations of interest

No additional interests declared.

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with no outstanding actions.