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WMCA Cultural Leadership Board Meeting 3 - Minutes

Discussion on changes to board membership, recruitment of new members and updated skills audit

Changes to the board membership were noted, including a resignation from Rashid Bhayat and addition of Raidene Carter from the Commonwealth Games team as strategic key partner. Chair noted that while the board would adhere to the agreed Terms of Reference, some discretion was given to non- attendance due to Covid-19 epidemic, particularly where board members were communicating issues with the Chair.

The Board agreed to the removal of Stephen Snoddy as a board member due to non-attendance and lack of communications with the Chair or WMCA as per agreed Terms of Reference.

  • MS to write Mr Snoddy about the board’s decision


A summary of the updated skills audit was provided. It was noted that there were some gaps particularly around libraries, literature & media art in terms of art form representation, as well as freelancers, alternative investment models, tourism, early years, social prescribing and sport.

The board agreed that steps should be taken to fill gaps identified, with strong emphasis on representation from protected characteristics. To ensure transparency, this should be an open call, with current board members also promoting the opportunity through their networks. WMCA were asked to present a plan for recruitment at the next board meeting.

  • AH and SV to develop plan for recruitment for next meeting


In the meanwhile, those interested in being on the selection panel should contact the WMCA team.

  • Members for selection panel to contact SV by 6/8/2020


It was also agreed that the website should provide better information about the role and current membership of the board, as this would help with recruitment of new members. Photographs and short bios should be therefore added.

  • All members to send headshots and short bio to SV by 31/7/2020