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WMCA Cultural Leadership Board Meeting 3 - Minutes

CTAG introduction & update

Val Birchall as the new CTAG Chair provided and update from LA and LEP scoping discussion on 22/7/2020. This meeting was held to provide an opportunity for LAs and LEPs to talk about the function for CTAG particularly given impact of Covid epidemic.

VB outlined that:

  • LAs and LEPs recognised the need to review role of CTAG in the current context, as well as its governance and links with other WMCA boards and reporting

  • Main focus to be developed around a clear and shared priorities for interventions where a cross-regional approach is most effective and beneficial

  • Developing a 10-20 year investment plan and work programme

  • Ensuring links with the West Midlands Growth Company and the Tourism, Trade and Investment package being developed

CLB is currently linked with CTAG through MS, who is representing CLB.

MS noted that a link between CLB and the West Midlands Growth Company should also be established. AH suggested a representative to be invited to present to CLB and the next board meeting with a focus on the Tourism and Travel Investment programme.

  • SV to invite Becky Frall to next CLB meeting


Communications update

CLB was referenced in the press release from WMCA endorsing the West Midlands Cultural Response Unit. The website has also been updated with February board minutes. Further updates to be made as agreed earlier.

  • SV to update website