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WMCA Cultural Leadership Board Meeting 6 - Minutes

Working group updates

Workstream 3: Leadership, entrepreneurship & engagement

Karen Newman provided an update on progress:

  • Culture and Creative Social Enterprise Development Programme now live – lots of interest on website and social channels. Applications close 1 March 2021

  • Working group to work with host organisations and support the pilot programme. If others are interested in joining, then to contact Karen

  • Those interested in supporting participating social enterprises to contact Karen


Workstream 1: Economic & Social ambitions

Ammo Talwar provided an update:

  • Both strands of West Midlands cultural sector research are progressing well (audiences and economic impact)
  • Initial findings expected in April now with final pieces of work expected to be completed in May 2021
Black Country Cultural Investment group

Parminder Dosanjh provided an update and noted that while this was not a specific CLB working group, there was representation across the board and the WMCA Cultural Officers Group:

  • The meetings have been initiated following discussions with the Arts Council around lack of cultural investment in the Black Country. The purpose of the group is to identify investable propositions going forward, with specific focus on capital projects. There is however currently no specific allocated funding for this work
  • The group has met twice with the next meeting planned for 17 March 2021 and the membership includes Black Country CLB members, Local Authorities, Black County LEP and Cultural Compacts in the area
  • Sam Hope from Wolverhampton Cultural Compact has been appointed as the Chair of this group
  • Some of the initial thinking has been to look at opportunities around Commonwealth Games and the Black Country Geopark and how these could link with culture-led regeneration and attracting more cultural investment to the area
  • Group currently coming up with more specific ideas
  • Those interested in Black Country group minutes to email Salla


One member noted that it felt that the group was quite Local Authority driven and less focused on communities. Adam noted that this could be addressed through discussions with the Compacts. Adam and Salla to have a conversation with Sam Hope.

  • Salla and Adam to talk to Sam Hope