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WMCA Cultural Leadership Board Meeting 6 - Minutes

WMCA updates

Adam Hawksbee provided an update on key items:

  • Recruitment – Salla Virman has been appointed as the

    Senior Policy Officer for Culture at WMCA

  • Local and Mayoral Election – happening on 6 May 2021.

    Pre-election sensitivity period starts 22 March 2021 and during this time there will restrictions on WMCA activity. While CLB members can naturally state their own views/opinions as individuals, there will also be limitations on what the CLB can and cannot do. Adam is happy to answer any questions about the rules. A Cultural Hustings event is currently in discussion and will be run by the Royal Shakespeare Company and Culture Central. CLB members can get involved in the event but it cannot be run by CLB due to the WMCA link

  • WMCA Board – positive support from the board on the Cultural paper and regional priorities, which will now provide a framework on how we work together

  • Government’s Budget – happening on 3 March 2021. Not expecting a lot of announcements around new spending or around Culture

  • Young Combined Authority – published Vision for the Future of the Region document. There are currently 2 portfolio leads at YCA for Culture and Major Events
  • Cultural Strategy – Planning to create a formal working group for strategy development led by WMCA Cultural Officers Group
  • Adam keep CLB up to date on the budget around Culture.



Julia Goldsworthy noted:

  • Mayoral election – WMCA has a mayoral protocol with

    mayoral candidates during the pre-election period. Looking at mayoral delivery plan process and mayoral manifestos

  • Government’s Budget – not expecting anything specific for Culture but focusing on the Levelling-Up Fund, although CA role in the process is still not known

  • Through influencing, WMCA can support the development of cultural investment priorities for the region, linking with wider goals

  • Comment was raised around how progress/figures can be seen within the Cultural sector. Julia suggested sharing WMCA’s end of year review to identify progress within the Cultural sector

  • Adam to keep CLB up to date on any changes/ refresh to priorities for Culture under new Mayor.
  • Julia to share end of year review with CLB