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WMCA Cultural Leadership Board Meeting 6 - Minutes

‘More than a Moment’ action plan update (papers shared in advance)

Ian Francis and Jerrel Jackson provided an update on progress so far:

  • The group has reviewed the plans and suggested some actions the board can take to ensure principles are embedded in relation to its own governance

  • This included reviewing the language, as well as focus on listening

  • Also discussed Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) work and focusing on how WMCA are working towards EDI. Adam noted that WMCA have an internal group leading on EDI work and if CLB want to nominate a person to be a part of it they can. WMCA’s EDI work is split into two areas including priorities and policies.

It was agreed that CLB members should all be champions and that diversity should stay on the agenda, so members are accountable. Chair happy to endorse this. There was a question if there should be an advocate to go to the meetings and feedback to the group the work involved. Adam noted he is happy to have further conversations around this.

Potential partnerships with academic institutions around learning resources was also suggested.

The board agreed the initiatives actions are going in the right direction. Working group will focus on the detail of the actions and feedback to CLB at the next meeting.

  • Salla to organise next meetings