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WMCA Cultural Leadership Board Meeting 1 - Minutes of the Meeting

Workstreams & working groups

The board approved the proposed three Working Groups although there was a recognition that some groups might require further sub-groups given the broad range of potential workstreams. It was agreed that individual groups would set priorities, appoint members and seek input from within the WMCA and external parties as required. SV to update ToR.

Action owner:
  • SV
  • 13/03/20


The board agreed the initial working group membership as:

  • Workstream 1 (CA economic & social ambitions): Ammo, Ellen, Simeon, Jay, Ian

  • Workstream 2 (Funding & resilience): Timothy, Andrew, Cheryl

  • Workstream 3 (Leadership, entrepreneurship, engagement): Aftab, Doreen, Julia, Rashid, Adrian, Karen
  • Keziah suggested using Slack to collaborate and communicate (main board & working groups) and the board agreed. An email with the sign-up details will be sent to all board members and board members should sign up.
Action owner:
  • All
  • 06/03/20


The board agreed that the Working Groups would appoint their own Chairs, and this could be done e.g. at the first meeting or via email/Slack.

Action owner:
  • WG Members
  • 27/03/20


(NB. Those who were not able to take part in the board meeting can contact Salla or Keziah to join a Working Group. The Working Groups should also coordinate with Keziah and Salla to ensure WMCA can support the initial meetings and administration)