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WMCA Cultural Leadership Board Meeting 1 - Minutes of the Meeting

Dates of the next board meetings

The board approved the dates for board meetings. It was noted that morning meetings should not commence until 10am to allow time for travel. The next meeting was confirmed at WMCA although other locations could be used going forward. Keziah thanked the board members for proposals received to date.

(NB. Next board meeting will take place Friday 27 March 2020 at Soho House Museum, Soho Avenue, Birmingham B18 5LB, Tel 0121 348 8150 at 10:00 am – 12:00 noon.) Keziah to send updated invitations.

Action owner:
  • KW
  • 28/02/20


It was considered that paperless meetings would be preferred, although those preferring printed copies can contact Keziah to organise this.

It was agreed that an agenda item should be added to the next meeting to discuss if the board is overall representative (diversity, art form). The results of the equality survey and a potential a skills audit should be used to guide these conversations.

Action owner:
  • SV, KW
  • 13/03/20


Salla & Keziah will develop & distribute board skills audit survey.

Action owner:
  • SV, KW
  • 06/03/20


Board members should complete in the skills audit survey.

Board members should complete the equality monitoring survey which has already been distributed

Action owner:
  • All
  • 10/03/20