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WMCA Cultural Leadership Board Meeting 8 - Minutes

WMCA Cultural Officers Group update

David Furmage provided an update from COG, the main points included:

  • Following discussions with the WMCA, it is now proposed that COG and CLB should work together to develop a high-level ‘Cultural Prospectus’ for the region instead of a 10-year regional cultural strategy. The prospectus would focus on 3-5 key opportunities regionally (e.g. what ‘levelling up’ could mean for cultural perspective; culture & placemaking including Town Centres; developing an agreed pipeline of priority projects.) and a regional positioning statement.
  • The prospectus should align with other strategic documents such as the Local Authority cultural strategies, the work of Cultural Compacts and the legacy of major events. It should also consider data and evidence from the WM Research as well as other research particularly around of Covid impact.

  • The prospectus could inform asks to the Government and the aim is to still have the prospectus in place by March 2022. There is also still potential to use external consultants to support the work

  • On other COG updates, the last COG meeting included presentations from the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Create Central. For the latter, the updates were particularly around the partnerships with BBC and some specific work had been initiated to consider the role of the cultural sector

  • It was noted that the Chair of COG Val Birchall was leaving Coventry City Council and she would therefore not continue as the Chair. The WMCA were having discussions with COG members on arrangements going forward. The next COG meeting will be 15 October.

CLB members were supportive of the Cultural Prospectus approach. It was however noted that the working group should ensure it would link with the WMGC work around tourism.