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WMCA Cultural Leadership Board Meeting 8 - Minutes

Governance items

Final working group membership

Salla outlined the new working group memberships. The meetings will be set up regularly from September.

Salla scoping interest from CLB members to attend a conversation WM Violence Reduction Unit to discuss role of arts & cultural activity in violence reduction. Those interested to contact Salla.

  • Members to email Salla if changes to working groups.
  • Contact Salla if interested in VRU meeting.


Chair appointment

The Mayor has extended Martin Sutherlands direct appointment as the CLB Chair for another 12 months. Salla to update Terms of Reference and circulate to the Board.

  • Salla to update Terms of Reference


Deputy Chair appointment

Currently planning for a formal external recruitment for the Deputy Chair position. Salla to create a job description and circulate with the board. Salla to work out process/interview panel and to share more details once available. It was suggested that YCA should also be considered as part of recruitment.

  • Salla to share Deputy Chair job description and details on process Action: Salla to flag recruitment to YCA


Away Day update

Board members to fill in the CLB Away Day Doodle Poll to scope a date. The Away Day will be hybrid to allow people to join virtually and in person. More information and details will be provided closer to the time. Currently planning the agenda, Board members to email Salla any ideas.

  • Members to complete Doodle Poll for CLB Away Day
  • Members to email Salla for agenda ideas