Thrive into Work employment support service
Thrive into Work: an employment support service based on the principles of Individual Placement and Support (IPS).
This is a personalised approach to helping people (over the age 18) who experience health problems, or have a disability, stay in work, or find employment.
We have devised six short films that help explain how the service can meet the needs of:
- GPs and other healthcare practitioners
- Local authority or community services, education providers
- Individuals seeking employment
- Individuals in work but who may be struggling
- Employers and organisations (of any size) who want free support for their employees or potential employees
- Friends or relatives of someone who may be looking for support around getting a job
- Disability employment advisors
Thrive into Work and the relationship with good health, recovery, health management, multi-agency practice, primary care, and community services.
Understand the role that primary care can play in enabling people to manage their health and be in meaningful employment:
How the support is part of wider health management and working in partnership:
Thrive into Work has a different approach to other employment support or job seeker services It is free, tailored to meet the individual’s needs, and there is no pressure for people to take on a job they don’t want to do.
See what type of support a person can expect when they access the service:
What makes the support different and how it is personalised to each individual:
Thrive into Work can support employers too – there’s no cost and it doesn’t matter what size the organisation is. Support for people continues once they are in work. If someone is already in work and wants Thrive into Work support, then we have a retention service available.
The free support Thrive into Work can give to employers and organisations:
The free support given to people who are in work:
Our Providers