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Environmental Policy


The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) is at the centre of shaping the region, supporting economic growth, skills and creating a world class public transport network connecting people to jobs, places and services.

WMCA accepts its responsibilities to the environment and recognises that good environmental management must be an integral and fundamental part of the organisation and its growth. We are therefore committed to assess the environmental effects of our business operations and working with our partners to deliver good practices to minimise negative impacts on the environment.

To achieve these objectives WMCA will:

  • minimise our emissions to air and eliminate potential discharges to land and water of any pollutants with regards to our service delivery and infrastructure development
  • reduce consumption of scarce resources through increased energy efficiency, water management and travel
  • reduce waste by adopting the waste hierarchy of avoidance, reduction, re-use and recycle before disposing of waste
  • develop and manage our infrastructure in a sustainable way and minimise it impact on climate change
  • ensure compliance to applicable environmental legislation and other regulatory requirements that pertain to our operations
  • act to eliminate, reduce and limit these impacts by adopting best practice and delivering continuous improvement of our environmental performance
  • raise awareness, engage and influence key stakeholders to help achieve sustainable outcomes
  • monitor, report and benchmark our environmental performance and achievements
  • adopt sustainable procurement principles to ensure that a balanced consideration of social, ethical, environmental and economic impacts are undertaken throughout the procurement process
  • expect similar environmental standards from suppliers and contractors, and
  • make our Environmental Policy publicly available to interested parties

Delivering our operational plans within this policy will enable WMCA to develop sustainable practices and deliver meaningful contributions to the quality of our environment.